Episode 2 – Research It All Thoroughly

  • Release Date:June 10, 2022

Scenario by Hirobumi Hoshii
Drawing by Syuhei Kamo
Edited by Trend-pro Inc.


Reading People and Engaging in Discussions with Outsiders: A Strategic Approach

In the first column, it was emphasized that imagining solutions to societal challenges is crucial for creating major ventures. However, brainstorming solutions to these societal challenges can be quite challenging to do alone, and finding a starting point can prove to be difficult. As a result, it’s more efficient to engage in discussions with individuals occupying various perspectives and positions. Viewing a problem from a single standpoint often hinders deeper thinking and can lead to overlooking crucial points or failing to consider alternative solutions from different angles. While it’s a good starting point to begin discussions with people closer to you, their perspectives and viewpoints may be quite similar.

At DI, actively seeking the perspectives and opinions of external individuals are prioritized to acquire entirely different viewpoints. It’s crucial to engage in discussions with individuals who possess elevated viewpoints, unrestricted by existing frameworks. By viewing societal challenges beyond the scope of individual companies or industries and engaging in discussions with individuals possessing profound insights, imagination can greatly expand. Conversely, engaging solely with individuals who don’t hold high viewpoints can lead to being trapped in a pessimistic mindset, focused on current challenges and industry frameworks, ultimately leading to a narrative of pessimism. While individuals with elevated viewpoints who engage in discussions are rare, they may not necessarily be affiliated with corporations and could include researchers or government officials. Upon encountering such individuals, the ongoing discussions coupled with thought-provoking material can enhance imagination.

The Essential Skills Required of a Business Producer

The role of the “business producer” is becoming more widely recognized, leading to a variety of interpretations. At DI, we believe that a “business producer” is someone who plans businesses, involves other companies or individuals, takes responsibility for bringing those plans to life, and plays a variety of roles depending on the situation. In this sense, we expect our consultants at DI to embody the role of a business producer. In this discussion, we will explore the skills required to work as a business producer at DI from a slightly different perspective. Naturally, essential skills for consultants include research and analytical capabilities, logical reasoning, document creation skills, and presentation abilities. While we have addressed the initial thinking required for creating businesses, the process of validating those ideas, translating them into strategies and plans, and convincing and moving clients forward follows.

However, being a successful business producer demands more than just the basic skills of a consultant. To undertake the challenging and diverse tasks mentioned earlier, soft skills such as networking, negotiation, and, crucially, communication skills that serve as the wellspring for the rest are also vital. At DI, we refer to these skills as “internal and external driving forces” and consider them essential elements for evaluation and development. However, it is rare for one individual to possess all skills perfectly. Therefore, recognizing one’s deficiencies and collaborating with team members and external individuals for support are skills we value at DI.