Our Company, based on our corporate creed, strives for harmony with all stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, and society as a whole through our business activities, and aims to achieve sustainable and medium- to long-term growth. To this end, we have established and maintain a corporate governance structure that supports efficient and sound management and business execution.
The Company adopts the governance structure of a company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee. The Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Committee supervise and monitor the execution of business. The Board of Directors makes decisions on important management matters, while decisions on business execution are made at the Inside Directors’ Meeting and the Management Meeting. The Company has introduced an executive officer system for the purpose of swift decision-making.
The Company’s Board of Directors comprises six directors (including three directors who are members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee), three of whom are independent outside directors. The majority members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee are independent outside directors, and they supervise and audit the Board of Directors from an independent standpoint outside the Company that can ensure objectivity in decision-making uninfluenced by the Company’s atmosphere or culture.