Dream Incubator contracts a project with JICA to gather basic information and conduct confirmation research for setting up public-private sector fund to foster entrepreneurs and SMEs worldwide
Dream Incubator Inc. (hereafter “DI”; President and Representative Director: Takayoshi Yamakawa) hereby announces that it has concluded a one-year contract starting in April 2020 with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to gather basic information and conduct research for setting up a public-private sector fund to foster entrepreneurs and SMEs worldwide.
Since the establishment of a subsidiary in Vietnam in 2007, DI has engaged in a two-pronged business of strategic consulting and incubation covering the whole Southeast Asia region in sectors such as agriculture/food value chain, healthcare, logistics, and public infrastructure, promoting business producing activities to help solve social issues in developing countries.
Amid the global acceleration of impact and ESG investment, there is a growing need to devise a financing and technical support framework in India, Vietnam, Indonesia, and other regions in Asia for startups that help solve social issues addressed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). DI, with extensive experience in strategic consulting, fund operation, and business producing support in these regions, serves as a consultant to JICA to track trends in impact investment in developing countries, screening promising business sectors and companies to invest in, and make recommendations to establish an investment framework, including a new public-private sector fund.
This year DI commemorates twenty years since its establishment. DI will work as one to renew efforts to expand its business producing activities to help solve social issues in Japan and overseas.
PDF of this press release
For further information
Dream Incubator Inc.
Kyohei Hosono, Makoto Miyauchi and Munehiko Eto
Phone: +81 (3) 5532-3200 / Email: info@dreamincubator.co.jp
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